I'm a 37 year old mum of an awesome little boy who on this blog we call Goblin. I have been married for 8 wonderful years to my lovely husband (the Hublet). We also have one very odd cat, the Kitty.
Goblin was born in October 2009 so he is currently:

Our set up
Hublet is a computer geek and does all the cooking in our house. We are both civil servants and both work part time in London (UK) and share childcare - we get two days each on our own with the Goblin as well as weekends all together. Goblin goes to a Montessori nursery three days a week.
Why the blog?
I get a huge amount of pleasure spending time doing fun stuff with my boys (Hublet and the Goblin). This blog is an opportunity to share with others some of the fun stuff we do. Hopefully it will offer inspiration and ideas about for activities, adventures and parenting.
What you can find on the blog
This blog has evolved as our family evolved. It will continue to do so. My parenting philosophies have also evolved so don't be surprised if you find contradictory thoughts on parenting - they have developed as I have.
Art and Craft Activities for toddlers and preschoolers
Crafts for adults
Outdoor play and outings
Thoughts on Parenting
Imaginary and sensory play ideas
the Sunday Parenting Party
Kids Coop
Contact Me
I love reading your comments. You can leave them on the blog or you can comment on our facebook page Taming the Goblin or our G+ page or through twitter @tamingthegoblin. Or you can email tamingthegoblin@gmail.com
If you like this blog please take my button and feature it on your blog.

(last updated April 2014)