
Tuesday 22 April 2014


 (Goblin is 4 years old)
Hublet took us crabbing. Its something he did as a child, I'd never done it before and I have to say its AWESOME! 
Its so simple. All you need is a bit of string, a weight and a hook or mesh bag to attach bacon to. You lower the bacon into the water until its resting on the bottom. Then you wait a minute. It really doesn't take long at all which is perfect for little kids with short attention spans. 
When you gently pull the string up there will usually be one or two crabs attached to the bacon. You can shake them off into a bucket with water.
The first time Goblin went crabbing he was a bit nervous of the crabs and didn't want to pull the string up or touch the bucket with the crabs. But on the day I came too he was feeling brave and did the whole process himself including shaking the crabs into the bucket.
In 15 minutes we caught 38 crabs. This is the photo we took just before they righted themselves and scuttled back into the water.


  1. I used to love crabbing, we'll have to have another go next time we're at the seaside!

  2. I do this as a kid! I love them but after cacthing them we eat them tho =P SO MUSH FUN! Thanks for posting photos .. made me remember fun childhood memories =) #countrykids

  3. That's a very impressive haul in such a short time - well done Goblin! As you say a great pastime for children to enjoy near the coast. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  4. That looks like so much fun! Must be fab living near the sea. We tried to do some rockpooling with our four year old in Cornwall last October and thought we'd finally found something - a crab! - only to discover it was already dead! #CountryKids

  5. Oh this brings back memories! We used to tie string to a raw chicken leg. There would be about 6 crabs on it when we pulled it in. Looks like a fun family outing.

  6. Wow, that's a lot of crabs! I remember crabbing as a child, I loved it. I must do it with my kids too :)


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