
Saturday 22 February 2014

The Sunday Parenting Party - Surviving being a new parent

With one new cousin in the bag this week (a beautiful baby girl) and another on the way soon, Goblin is suddenly getting a lot of babies in his life. So I thought I would take this opportunity to pull together a bunch of useful posts for new parents (or even those doing it for a second or third or ...well if it's more than that you probably know it all already). Hopefully there is something for everyone here.

Bear in mind when reading these posts that most bloggers aren't experts in child development (although a few are), and most bloggers write from their own personal experience. Every baby is different and every family set up is different, so while I hope these posts are useful, please remember that there is no one right way to do things. I hope you will take what you need and leave the rest.

I wish I knew before ......

Mamas like me ~ 5 things I wish I'd known before kids
Mums make lists ~ Big decisions parents will have to make
Seeking Shade ~ 5 things I didn't expect being a Mom
Carrots are Orange ~ Stay at home Mom Shock 
B-Inspired Mama ~ What does every new mom need
B-Inspired Mama ~ What does a baby really need
Pink Oatmeal ~ Top 10 items for a babies first 6 months
Carrots are Orange ~ Mama confessions 

Don't forget Dad

Fathers, Work and Family ~ Fatherhood, Masculinity and Paternity leave
Fathers, Work and Family ~ Paternity leave is essential (it's not a vacation)
Fathers, Work and Family ~ Coming back to work after paternity leave
The Daddy Files ~ Its time to stop treating Dads like idiots
Dads the way I like it ~ Parenting books for Dads

Dealing with depression

Ghost writer Mummy ~ Dealing with birth trauma
Mummy musings and mayhem ~ Post natal depression
Mum's the word ~ Post natal depression, what I wish I'd known
Netmums ~ Post Natal Depression in Dads
Carrots are Orange ~ Baby blues

Looking after yourself 

Mums make lists ~ 30 Easy Health tips for new mums
B-Inspired Mama ~ Making and nurturing Mom friends
Mummyology ~ What to do when you have had no sleep

Breastfeeding or not breastfeeding 

Taming the Goblin ~ What they don't tell you about breastfeeding
Powerful Mothering ~ 10+ tips on breastfeeding
What's up Fagans? ~ 11 common lies of breastfeeding
Working moms against guilt - Working and breastfeeding
Mummy Musings and Mayhem ~ Struggling to breast feed
Mums make lists ~ Everything you want to know about breastfeeding
The Kitchen Counter Chronicles ~ The highs and lows of breastfeeding
The Kennedy adventures ~ 10 things I wish I'd known about breastfeeding

Enjoying and not enjoying the baby stage

Mama Smiles ~ How to enjoy newborn parenting
Dirt and Boogers ~ Not enjoying the baby phase
B-Inspired Mama ~ Enjoying the baby Phase
Dads the way I like it ~ Being a Dad: Celebrating the little things

Helping baby sleep

B-Inspired Mama ~ 10 tips for better baby sleep

Crayon Freckles ~ Moms discuss the Cry it out technique 
My Nearest and Dearest ~ My journey in sleep training
The Kennedy Adventures ~ 10 tips to get baby to sleep
Pink Oatmeal ~ Swaddle, Sleeping, Sensory systems, Sleep suits

Keeping baby healthy

Creative World of Varya ~ Natural cradlecap remedy
Powerful Mothering ~ The Colic solution

Organising your life post baby

Munchkins and Moms ~ Staying at home and staying sane
My Joy filled life ~ Postpartum freezer meals and organiser printable

Advice and competition

The Tao of Poop ~ dealing with unsolicited parenting advice
Positive Parenting Connection ~ Surviving parenting advice overload
The Blossoming Bump ~ The Mom Games: Comparing and Competing 

Introducing a sibling

Dirt and Boogers ~ Preparing a child for a new baby
Mum of one ~ Preparing your child for a new sibling

Helping new parents 
(you can email these to your friends and family!)

Nothing if not intentional ~ looking out for new parents
The Kennedy Adventures ~ 10 easy meals to take to others

Looking for further reading?

Mums make lists ~ 100+ brilliant bump and baby bloggers
Happy and Blessed Home ~ Preparing for and adapting to life with baby

Taming the Goblin

Welcome to The Sunday Parenting Party, hosted by Dirt and Boogers, Play Activities, Crayon Freckles, Taming the Goblin, The Golden Gleam, Prickly Mom, and The Tao of Poop. The SPP is place for readers to find ideas on nurturing, educating, and caring for children, as well as honest posts about the stresses of being a parent or caregiver. Links to reviews and giveaways are welcome as long as they are relevant to the topic. All parenting philosophies are welcome with one exception: please do not link to posts promoting physical discipline, as this is something we would feel uncomfortable having on our blogs. (P.S. By linking up you agree that your post and photos are Pinterest, Sulia, G+ and FB friendly. We will be showcasing ideas on The Sunday Parenting Party Pinterest board.)


  1. What a brilliant list of links - thanks so much for including some of mine. Coming back later to pin loads but Harry Potter is calling ... impatiently ;-)

  2. Great list! Thanks for sharing my BFing post from last week.

  3. I have read some of these posts already and think they are perfect! And even though I am not a new mama, some other ones look like they deserve a read just for the fun of it!

  4. Thanks for hosting! We have a number of things coming up soon concerning child development, special needs, sensory needs, parenting issues, etc. in addition to our weekly monstessori-inspired activities with free printables.



  5. Thanks for the mentions, I really want to check out so many of the other posts as well now!



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