
Tuesday 28 January 2014

The beauty of a beach

(Goblin is 4 years old)
Hublet has lived his whole life next to the sea in one place or another. So he takes it all in his stride. He doesn't really understand how ridiculously excited I get when I see the sea, or smell the sea or hear the sea. OOOOH THE SEA!
With Nanny living next to the sea Goblin gets to visit a fair amount, but just seldom enough to keep it as a treat. Its still exciting, and somewhere that needs to be explored like a little snuffly dog, poking into crevices and turning over stones, and carrying random treasures home.
Also like most dogs, Goblin can't keep out of the sea, no matter what the weather. Long may it last. The seaside always brings cheer to my heart and I hope it will have the same effect on my son.


  1. Looks like he had a whale of a time. My Granny lived next to the sea - special memories #CountryKids

  2. Gorgeous photos! I get super excited about the sea too!

  3. I would love to live by the sea! and just the smell of salt in the air is enough to make me a happy person x

  4. Aww i love the seaside, whatever the weather! We live quite a way away though. Looks like you all had great fun #countrykids

  5. There's something so special about visiting the sea no matter what the season #countrykids

  6. So love the beach too! We live near the sea too and like you it still feels special every time we spend some time on the beach :) #CountryKids.


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