
Thursday 9 January 2014

How to be a caffeine junkie

(Goblin's age isn't really relevant here)
Written in collaboration with Argos who asked us to review a Tassimo coffee machine. 
All the opinions in this post are my own. 

"Hi, I'm Hublet Mays, and I'm here to tell you all about Tassimo coffee machines"

A few weeks ago Monko received an email from a PR company asking if we would be interested in reviewing a coffee maker.  
It is a tricky decision, but after about 5 seconds moral wrangling we agreed to do it because free stuff is good.  

 All hail the coffee machine

In case you haven't picked up on it, Monko is rather a fan of coffee.  We previously had a couple of Nespresso coffee makers but their small drink size wasn't enough to wake Monko up in the mornings.  For the past few years we have been using a filter coffee maker on a timer, filled with the strongest coffee we have found Taylors Hot Lava Java.

We chose to go for something silly since we weren't paying for this so were sent a Tassimo T55 Charmy pod coffee maker.  It uses barcodes on the coffee and milk pods to put in the right amount of water meaning you can make short or long drinks, including tea and hot chocolate.

Barcode not recognised

In general we have been impressed.  It makes pretty good coffee, including espresso.  The tea isn't bad for a machine and Goblin liked the hot chocolate.   
I of course have already been experimenting and made a delicious caffeinated chocolate drink using a selection of pods intended for espresso, cocoa and hot milk.

Lots of variety, including branded pods
Instamagic operation with barcodes and one button
Built in britta filter
Machine is inexpensive
Pods are sold in most supermarkets in the UK

The water tank isn't very big
Delicious caramel lattés are not conducive to dieting
Pods cost more than coffee beans, but you are paying for convenience

It can't quite replace having two pints of tar in a jug waiting for you in the morning, but we have felt very civilised having a café crema with breakfast.  Only slightly hampered by Goblin insisting we play Zombie Dice at the same time.

I am now refined

If you want to join the coffee machine crew Argos have a large range of coffee machines available to buy here 

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