
Friday 22 November 2013

Stomp rockets

(Goblin is 4 years old)
(This post contains Amazon affiliate links)

Goblin was given a Stomp Rocket for his birthday. Its really portable and sooooo much fun. I have come to the conclusion that every child should have one. 

They are a great way to get your child to run around like a loon. Goblin spent hours running to fetch the rockets and pop them back on their launcher. As well as a fun and physical side to this toy, there are some educational aspects. Kids get fine motor practice putting the rockets on the tube, they learn about trajectory and how wind direction influences flight, and they learn about different pressure and the resulting effect on how high the rocket flies.

 Best of all its a really fun way to connect. 


  1. Oooo now that looks fun! I know mine would love it - I shall try and seek one out for Christmas fun! x

  2. We love ours - and have to confess we have actually played with it in the sitting room ... eek! Alice x

  3. oh my gosh that is too fun, i have never seen these before, my daughter would probably go crazy over this!
    Thank you for Sharing, now following you.
    Sheena @


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