
Thursday 7 November 2013

50 Things to do before you are 11 and 3/4

(Goblin is 4 years old)
Last week Goblin and his friends joined the Essex branch of the National Trust in Chelmsford to tick off some of the activities on their list of 50 things to do before you are 11 and 3/4. We have been steadily working our way through the list over the last year, and have managed 21 so far. My blogging chum The Boy and Me has done loads and her posts are well worth a look. 
The National Trust ladies had laid out four different activities - creating wild art; plant it, grow it, eat it; looking for bugs; and snail racing. Goblin was interested in looking for bugs. With the help of an older child he rummaged in a plastic tub filled with leaves, bark and mud. When he found a bug he used a paint brush to brush it gently into a paint pot. Then he used a giant magnifying glass to look at it. The National Trust had provided identification sheets with pictures and names, and the older girl helped Goblin identify his finds which included a cylindrical millipede and a flatheaded millipede, a slug, a snail and a woodlouse.
Goblin was not keen to tick off another activity on the the 50things list - holding a scary beastie. He flat out refused to hold the bugs despite being fascinated to look at them. Sensible child!
Elfin opted to create some wild art, although there was less nature in the art, the wildness was more how the kids wielded the 50things stamp.
Elfin's younger brother got in on the action checking out the bug hunting and bonding with the National Trust folk.
Once Goblin was done with the bugs - which took a lot longer than I'd expected - he moved into the plant it, grow it, eat it challenge. He was assisted to roll a newspaper pot, which he filled with soil. Then he planted rocket seeds and covered them with more compost. The lovely NT folk gave us a newspaper bag to put the pot in so we could take it home and nurture it. But I'm afraid it didn't survive three hours in my back pack, so we can't tick off this challenge yet.
When the kids were done with the activities we went to the playground where they found another opportunity to tick off a 50things activity on their own - climbing a tree!

I'm sharing this at
Learning for LifeCountry Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I pretty much have a love hate relationship with the whole bug hunting thing! Lol. My wee man does not tend to mind man handling the poor beasts while I look on in trepidation hoping it will never be my turn :)

  2. That looks like an absolutely wonderful day. I'm glad you have things like this in your area.

  3. Looks like loads of fun, hope Goblin gets to overcome his reluctance to hold a beastie soon! Thanks for linking up.

  4. The National Trust are brilliant for arranging these activities and organising these days. It looks like the children had a fab time and are able to tick off one or two from their list. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  5. looks like a brilliant day..lovely photos xx

  6. Great day out. Really hoping this kind of stuff continues into next year and further when N will be able to walk and be out under his own steam for longer. Although being on a farm, does mean we can cheat and do a lot of the things at home! #CountryKids

  7. Hoorah for ticking off so many of the activities! Isn't it odd that both of us have such outdoorsy boys happy to explore everything, yet neither would touch a 'scary beast'? The Boy screamed blue murder when I put a worm in his hand a few weeks back! Thank you for the shout out.

    Nipping over from The Outdoor Play Party.


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