
Thursday 5 September 2013

The freedom of the beach

(Goblin is nearly 4)

Montessori, Waldorf and Reggio educational techniques all pay a lot of attention to the learning environment. While on holiday in Wales I started to realise what an amazing learning environment the beach can be. 

One of the main reasons that the beach offers such wonderful opportunities for kids is actually the effect it has on parents. Parents on the beach tend to be more relaxed, less rushed and less bothered by mess, noise, and other things that can be annoying when cooped up in the environment of the home. 
This leaves kids free to play and learn, discover, test, experiment. They can dig, and move stuff around without risk of chastisement. They can make land art or tap into their imagination and turn a beach into any setting they want.
They get to do things that need big open spaces.
They can fling themselves about with less risk of injury.

And even the messiest of messy play can be washed off in the sea. 
They have freedom in space and freedom in time - what better learning environment could you have.  
 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Lovely post. The beach is one of our favourite places xx

  2. Oxwich Bay is such a magical place, so many learning opportunities.

  3. I am so jealous, wee need some beach time soon x

  4. Great post, with some lovely photos. I think you're absolutely right - a fabulous learning environment. Makes me more frustrated that I live about as far inland as I can possibly be!

  5. I agree wholeheartedly - our children have been fortunate to enjoy the beautiful beaches of Cornwall as a regular fun and natural playground during their childhood journey! Thanks for linking up and sharing your beach adventures with Country Kids.


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