
Thursday 22 November 2012

Kids Co-op - Snowmen


Its Kids Co-op time again. Please link up your kids activity posts and check out what others have been up to this week. I'm linking up the following:
Super Simple Snowmen
(Goblin is 37 months)
Way back in May this year Goblin decided he wanted to make a snowman. I took photos of our activity but I have been holding onto them until it got cold enough to share without being completely odd. So here is our snowman craft - this activity should appeal to the 'craft challenged' among us because it really is idiot proof.
You will need:
a toilet roll or kitchen roll cut in half
cotton wool balls
bubble wrap
optional face and body decorations: raisins, buttons, pompoms, material, bottle tops
First get your child to glue the cotton wool balls to the cardboard tube. We made two because I used a kitchen roll cut in half. Take a big piece of bubble wrap and roll it into a ball. Use tape to secure the ball at the 'neck'. Then stick the neck to the inside of the cardboard tube. You can paint the bubble wrap - I did because it added a bit of toddler input to the activity but it looks fine without the white paint.
Then glue on your snowman face. You can use what ever is to hand. We used raisins and orange pompoms for the face ad actual buttons down the body. You could also use painted paper or playdough. Positioning the faces can be a bit tricky. Goblin managed the buttons but I had to help with the faces.
Finally you can add some additional glitz with a bottle top hat (innocent juice bottle tops are perfect) and a snazzy scarf - I cut up a duster for ours. The Scarf is a good accessory to hide any 'craft fail' when fastening the head to the body.
And hey presto, snowmen. You can even animate them as puppets by sticking your fingers up the cardboard tube and making them dance. 
And now to the linky

I'm sharing this at
Ladybird LnOne Artsy MamaFor the Kids Friday PhotobucketI Can Teach My ChildSerenity you


  1. Oh my I am LOVING your snowmen!
    And I just so happen to have bubble wrap, cotton wool and toilet rolls to hand.
    Thanks for sharing and hosting.

  2. THEY are incredibly cute. I am craft challenged but I reckon even I could do those :-)
    Liska xx

    1. yeah especially as you can get your littlies to do most of the work.

  3. Those snowmen are cute cute cute!!!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  4. Love these gorgeous fellas!! i can just see them dancing! Also loving the basic items needed to make them...these are going on our list! I'm featuring them on my Co-op post this week x

  5. I love your little snowmen, they are so cute! We love making things from our recycle bin and these little guys are great! I am featuring them this week in my cop-op post.

  6. Oh, how fun! I love your snowmen! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  7. Morning. Just letting you know I've featured this on The Sunday Showcase:

  8. I love all these fun and easy craft projects for the holidays! These snowmen are adorable!


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