
Thursday 29 November 2012

Kids Co-op - cardboard mania

Its time for Kids Co-op again. This is a weekly link up where you can find some great ideas for activities with kids. If you have a blog of your own you can link up your favourite posts on kids activities. Link up as many as you like so people can browse and find the ones they like. Please stop in and check out other posts and leave a comment if you like what you see - everyone loves comments. This week I'm linking up the following:
Cardboard mania!
I do most of my Christmas shopping on line. As a result, around this time of year I tend to have a tonne of cardboard boxes. If you are like me and have lots of boxes here are some ideas of things you could do with them to entertain your kiddos. 
Hublet was taken with some cardboard inserts the other day and made Goblin the cardboard ball maze you see above.
Goblin is a tad obsessed with vehicles so many of our box creations are machines. How about an AmbulanceFire engine or Police car.
Goblin is not so keen on dressing up, but that doesn't stop me trying. So far we have tried a Robot costume and a Crocodile costume without much success!
However the working lawn mower was a big success. Unfortunately I now can't get my lawnmower out without Goblin wanting me to make one for him too.
We like using boxes for small world play as well - ironically the box is sometimes more popular than the toy that came in it once its been converted. You can find our Toy Car Wash and Toy Crane by clicking the word.
And flat cardboard makes a great cavas either for your little one, or yourself. I painted a street map for Goblin on mine.  
And finally the simplest of all activities, just leave the box out for your child to use as a den.
Have you got any other great box ideas?

And now to the Linky

I'm sharing this at
  I Can Teach My ChildPhotobucketSerenity you For the Kids FridayOne Artsy Mama


  1. Love cardboard making. It's a favourite in this house. Particularly love the lawn mower :)

  2. Loving your cardboard fun - so many great ideas. We recently featured some cardboard cars in a cars round-up post and I would love to feature some of these in some of my upcoming posts for my Things That GO! Series - I will be doing community helpers in the coming weeks and a general round up at the end, where I want to add great posts I found/discovered after these posts already went up. I am also pinning this to my Things That Go! pinboard.

  3. Wow! I mean WOW! The things you do with cardboard. I usually just give my kids the box and say have fun.

  4. I love all your amazing ideas with cardboard and all of your other amazing ideas!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!


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