
Friday 9 November 2012

Hidden delights at Nature Nursery

(Goblin is 36 months)
There is construction work a foot at the farm this week. The kids went to investigate the new wooden walkways that have been installed running to the wood and a garden area. At the end of one of the paths they discovered a currently unused polytunnel.
The tunnel housed delight and wonder. It had a fluffy plant that scattered its fluff into the air if you poked it. 

And there were old bits of wood and loose dirt and tractor tires that had been used as raised flower beds. Goblin and Elfin were in their element and set to work doing ..... well just doing stuff, as only children can. What ever it was it was very important and they worked away industriously moving the earth around.
What I love about Nature Nursery are all the different ways the children play. They find a new thing to occupy themselves with ever time. We don't have a structure to the visit and that suits them perfectly. They are all curious kids and they learn through doing. I'm sure some parents might have stuck their heads into that polytunnel and recoiled at the broken spiky bits of wood and other potential death traps, but really what the children saw was a little haven of exciting adventure.

I'm sharing this with
 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 


  1. I think I would have poked my head in and saw spiders!

  2. This is so cool & what an adventure land for small children. I love all that you get up to with Goblin, Kierna

  3. I love that you allow the children to explore and watch from a distance. I am the same with my children, only stepping in if I really can see danger.It is great for developing their imagination and makes them resourceful in play. I would love to know what game they were all playing there moving that soil, they seam to interact so well! Thank you for sharing on Country Kids.

  4. Such lovely photos of a beautiful adventure. :)

  5. What a wonderful place for children! I'd love it if you left a link to this at our Eco-Kids Tuesday link-up!

  6. Thank you for sharing on Eco Kids! I LOVE this, and I'm so honored that you shared with our link-up because I love your blog and read it all the time! I like your link up page and I use it to find great link ups.

    As a child, I would have loved this tunnel, and I think my girls would love it too. It's great to have a really awesome place where they can explore!

  7. What a wonderful place to explore!! Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!

  8. What a magical adventure and a neat place to play.

    Thanks for linking up on Waldorf Wednesday. I hope we'll see you back this week! Feel free to add multiple links since we were off last week.


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