
Sunday 21 October 2012

The Sunday Parenting Party

Taming the Goblin

Its time for the Sunday Parenting Party. Please link up your parent orientated posts - tips and tricks, anecdotes good and bad, old posts and new posts we love them all. Please don't link kids activity posts - those can be linked to the Kids Co-op - this one is just for all things parenting. 
This week I am blaming the pressure of being featured on Mummyology in a top 5 favourites for Positive Parenting for my complete lack of inspiration. I have nothing for you. I am full of snot and I think it has pushed out any interesting parenting musings - sorry. So instead I will tell you a little about the 5 posts that spoke to me the most from last weeks link up:

Every Day Life {Illness and Slowing Down} by Loving my Nest really resonated with me this week because we have been feeling quite pants. But it did force me to slow down and stop trying to cram so many activities into our days. As a result Goblin and I spent some quality time together just playing and enjoying each others company. I need to try and make more space for that.

5 ways to constructively deal with your kids' mood swings by Our School at Home. This post is about dealing with the mood swings of a daughter with asperges, however the advice given is so transferrable to any child melt down. It is a brilliant check list that I found myself using this week.

Mama Knows Best: For Mothers from Mothers by B. Inspired Mama. This weeks post is by Andie from Crayon Freckles. I really love Andie's parenting philosophy because it resonates with me a lot. But I wanted to share this post not only because of Andie's answers but also because its a great series with a really interesting variety of answers from different bloggy mums (I have been featured myself so obviously its awesome!).

What are you going to say? by Authentic Parenting. I like this post a lot and have been thinking about it all week. But not because I agree with it whole heartedly. In fact the reason I like it so much is because I'm not sure whether I do agree entirely and that's made me think about my own approach to manners. Posts that make you think about how you parent can only improve your parenting and Ariadne (from Positive Parenting Connection) always makes me think a lot.

Trust by Early Play is a really important post that I think all parents should read and reflect on. I think we too often rush in and disempower our children through a misguided sense that we are helping. Our assistance actually hinders their development, but we need to trust that they can do it themselves.

And here is this weeks linky:


  1. hi,

    glad to know about this article: 5 ways to constructively deal with your kids' mood swings by Our School at Home

    I hope I can stop saying yes to my son request -> Mommy... can I study at home with you? I feel not good now to see Ms. Gabb (his teacher) ohh it was always killing me!

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning my post on Trust. It's good to get feed back. I thought I would comment here even though I am a little late!


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