
Saturday 13 October 2012

The Sunday Parenting Party

Taming the Goblin

Its time for the Sunday Parenting Party. Please link up any and all parenting posts (old and new, fab or crappy - even if you think they are crappy someone else might find just what they are looking for), we love tips and tricks, anecdotes of good days and bad, birth stories and tales of triumph over tantrums. Please don't link Kids activities and crafts, these can be linked to the Kids Co-op. Thanks
This week I am linking:
I should really title my posts about parenting "what I am worrying about this week". And this week I'm worrying about education. Every so often I panic that I am not teaching Goblin enough. He turns three this month and although a huge part of me feels he is too young for any academic type education, there is a teeny part of me that wonders if I shouldn't be doing more on numbers and letters. 
This anxiety is exacerbated by the fact that I only have two days a week on my own with Goblin because I work three days a week. So I try and cram any of the 'educational' stuff into those days. More often than not I fail to do what I planned and end up feeling like I am failing Goblin.
This week I had one of those days. I wanted to do some number work using Goblin's new clock jigsaw, and I wanted to read lots of books because this is something I feel I let slip. And I was conscious that we hadn't done any craft activities for a while. But instead we went on a plat date, a 5 hour walk in the woods. 
When we got home Goblin was exhausted and fell asleep for two hours and then all he was fit for was a bit of TV, dinner and bed. So I sat there that evening panicing that I had done NOTHING with him that day.
Then I thought some more about what we had done that day ......
While in the woods Goblin played with his friends - learning important socialisation skills
He pretended that he was driving a train - using his imagination and creativity
He walked across bridges, rocks and logs - practicing balance and gross motor skills
He played hide and seek - practicing counting and observation
He provided a running commentary the entire day - practicing important verbal skills
He dug in the mud and played with sticks - full on sensory experience 
And he discovered moss and fungi - educational botany 
When I sat down to think about the fact I hadn't had a chance to read with Goblin (except a book at bed time) or go through numbers with him, I realised that it wasn't important. Goblin learned loads that day. He just did it through play. I guess it was a form of unschooling. I really need to learn to chill out and trust that my child will learn things because he is inquisitive, and I don't need to provide a continuous stream of structured activities for his tiny mind to absorb information.  
This week I would like to highlight 
22 things I love by The Cutie and the Beauty
I can Choose by Little Moments
Toilet Training? ... But I like my Cloth Nappies! by Mummy Musings and Mayhem
Chill out corner - positive time out by Adventures at home with Mum
Music to tame the savage beast by Breaking the Parenting Mold
(you guys can grab an "I was featured" badge from my button page if you'd like one)
And now to the link up
I am sharing this with
  I Can Teach My ChildCountry Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 


  1. I think you answered your own worries in this post! Goblin sounds just like many of my boys, they learn far more from doing than sitting and listening. There is more than one way to learn, I only wish schools would realize this too! Thanks for sharing on Country Kids.

  2. Sounds like the best kind of learning to me!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love the pictures in this particular post. After reading your post earlier today I've been looking for a post for part of the day that I read last month and made me think about what you wrote regarding the alphabet and numbers. I don't know if you follow Aunt Annie but I love how she shared the memory of her mother teaching her brother in a very natural way that could happen any where! I think Goblin has many play opportunities that some children unfortunately do not get!

  5. As a teacher of 3-4 year olds, I would love to congratulate on all that you offer Goblin, please don't ever think you are letting him down. I firmly put more emphasis on personal, social & emotional skills at this age. Knowing that he is valued & loved is more important than him knowing letters & numbers. Kierna

  6. Wonderful post! You can't underestimate the power of playing outside! Thanks for linking to the Outdoor Play Party. Cheers.

  7. A lovely post...i often have these thoughts too...but then i remember that play is the most important tool in learning and you described so many wonderful learning opportunities on your day out. What could be better...fresh air, fun and learning!
    Thanks too for the feature x


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