
Thursday 25 October 2012

Kids Co-op

Its Kids co-op time again, please link up your favourite kids activity posts and check out what every one else has been up to this week. You are welcome to link more than one post and you can link older posts to - give them a new airing, I'm sure there will be people who haven't seen them before. This week I am linking up the following:
Thank You Cards
(Goblin is 36 months)
When you get a lot of presents from lovely friends for your birthday you want to say thank you. Goblin is too young to write his own thank you cards, but I like him to contribute towards them so that his friends (or at least their parents) understand that he is grateful.
We haven't been doing a lot of art and crafts recently because Goblin simply hasn't been interested. But I thought I'd try and get him to do something simple. I laid his table out with paint, glue, sequins, glitter, pompoms and stickers. I put a bunch of coloured paper out and I made masking tape Ts on the paper....

....... The paper and paint sat there all day untouched.

The following day I invited Goblin to paint again. Again he wasn't interested. I started to fret as it had already been a week since his party and I really needed to send out thank you cards. So I sat down at his tiny table and started to paint round a T myself. As soon as I started he became interested. He ousted me from his chair and sat down.
He steadily made his way through each sheet painting the Ts (mainly with the glue but he'd mixed enough of the yellow paint in that it didn't matter). And he added glitter, pompoms, stickers and sequins with wild abandon. When he'd finished and they'd dried I removed the masking tape Ts and wrote thank you down them. Then I cut them in half and wrote a little note on the back of each one thanking his many friends for their lovely gifts. I think Goblin will enjoy giving them out, he seems to understand that giving is as much fun as receiving. Which is just as well because with so many friends having birthdays around now we've had to hand over quite a few presents and I'd been expecting that to be a trauma. I was pleasantly surprised that so far it hasn't been.

And now to the linky
I'm sharing this with
I Can Teach My ChildTuesday Tots


  1. What a great idea! I may have to try it myself in the future.

  2. Such a sweet thank you card idea. We do like making an effort to say thank you and this is a great way to involve the children.

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!



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