
Tuesday 30 October 2012

Family Baking

(Goblin is 36 months)
We have had a busy October visiting relatives and doing lots of outings. Last weekend was our first weekend with nothing planned so we grabbed the opportunity to spend it relaxing as a family. It was so nice to have an unscheduled day where we could just play and enjoy each others company. One of the things we did was a big family baking session. Hublet and I are trying to lose weight but with the cold weather all we have wanted to do is eat cake and we succumbed to that desire and broke out Hublet's cook book Baked in America
We decided to make a peanut butter sponge cake. It has all your basic ingredients for a regular sponge cake, and then you add melted butter and peanut butter. We hadn't appreciated how much bigger American recipes make things and because a lot of it was done in cups rather than weight measurements it was hard to tell at a glance from the recipe that the cake was going to be enormous. 
But it became apparent as we progressed with the recipe that we'd be needing a bigger bowl. 
We didn't actually have a big enough bowl so we resorted to mixing the ingredients in a giant Tupperware vat. Goblin did all the measuring, pouring and mixing - with a bit of help from Hublet and not much help from me as I was busy taking lots of photos.
We also only had two cake tins but the mixture made enough for four so we had to bake the cake in two sittings.
The finished cake was ridiculous in size, but tasted absolutely amazing. 
Needless to say the diet went out the window for the best part of the week. 

I'm sharing this with LnOne Artsy Mama


  1. Such family-fun project :)
    Love these photos
    The cake looks great and colorful and very tempting

  2. Oh wow, that looks and sounds delicious! Love that you got backing together (taking photos counts right ;-))

  3. That cake looks wonderful! Well done you all - love all those pictures with the mix getting bigger and bigger, it's almost like a fairy tale :-)

  4. love this! pinned and tweeted - thanks for linking with Kids in the Kitchen - hope to see you again!

  5. Oh it has been ages since I have visited your blog! I missed you guys...what a wonderful post to return visit on. Love it! I had to giggle at the immense size of that What diet? LOL! I'll keep popping back as much as I can, even if I have to diarise it :)

  6. Oh, wow! What fun!! It looks delicious!! Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!


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