
Monday 22 October 2012

Autumn tree decorating

(Goblin is 36 months)
I really like the Waldorf idea of a nature table (like the one at Happy Whimsical Hearts) to celebrate the seasons with your children. But we are quite a messy household and I can't imagine a nature table would stay an uncluttered area to view seasonal nature for very long. So instead last year I got a nature branch.  I hung it from the ceiling in our living room and each season I decorate it. You can see last years winter decorations here.
Its already quite a way into Autumn and I have finally got round to decorating our branch. I decided to keep it simple with some hanging conkers and glitter pinecones.
I soaked the conkers in vinegar to preserve them a bit. This also made them easy to skewer. I threaded them onto a ribbon and added some autumn coloured beads at the end. 
Goblin helped me paint the pinecones we'd collected. We used various colours of glitter paint. And tied ribbons around their base.
And then I hung them on our seasonal tree. I am already plotting what to do for winter - not long now.

I'm sharing this with
sunnydaytodaymamaLadybird LnOne Artsy Mama you


  1. Love! We have a nature box on a table, and also a work in progress Autumn mobile which is similar to this - your branch is epic tho!

  2. So pretty, I love the conker idea. They look great.

  3. I love how you use a branch, I'm very tempted to do a branch here too ;-) Husband of Mine often just adds his keys and wallet to our nature table (it is on the side table as you come into the house), so I'm forever moving his things away! Lovely of you to link to ours.

    1. Yep keys and junk mail would definitely be the main features if ours was on a surface and not suspended out of reach

  4. In love with your branch! I keep saying I"m going to try it, but have not yet. Maybe one day the perfect branch will come along...

  5. Very good idea! I think I may do this with my daughter.

  6. Oh, I love your conkers. I've been having a bit of conkery week too. Spent the afternoon in the park looking for some real conkers, but could not find any.

  7. Really cute idea! Thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday.


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