
Friday 7 September 2012

Really lazy craft - Cardboard Crocodile

(Goblin is 34 months)
I am essentially a lazy person so I am always on the look out for ideas that don't take much effort. And here is a great one - a cardboard crocodile for make-believe play. It combines two elements, crafts and pretend play, and requires very little parental effort. 
I cut out a cardboard crocodile shape using a big box, and set Goblin to work painting it. We used a brush to paint it green and then used bubble wrap to make yellow 'scales' - I know crocodiles don't have scales, this was artistic licence. And Goblin decided to also add some gold glitter paint, which worked quite well.
And when the crocodile was dry, we had a creature for Goblin to scare Hublet and myself with - Simples!

I'm sharing this with
Tuesday Tots
For the Kids FridayPhotobucketI Can Teach My ChildSerenity you


  1. Love, love, love this! It looks like you all have so much fun!

  2. Stopping by from TGIF, What a neat idea!

  3. This is great. The crocodile makes a great costume, would be awesome for Halloween.

  4. Super cute! and very simple, my fave crafts are ones the kids spend more time on than the parents :-)

  5. Love this. Jake puts anything on his head and pretends to be stuff, so he'd love this!

  6. Oh, I love it!! Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!

  7. It really makes me laugh that you consider yourself a lazy person. Do you know how many people don't do half the stuff you do on your blog with their kids? This looks like great fun. Thanks for sharing with The Sunday Showcase.

  8. Ha, that is so cute! I would never think to let my kiddos do something so fun like that. Thanks for the idea, and for sharing at Tip Toe Thru Tuesday. I hope we see you this week.


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