
Thursday 27 September 2012

Kids Co-op

Its Kids Co-op time, please link up your kids orientated posts and check out what others have linked. Bloggers love comments so please stop by and leave some if you find a link you like. You don't have to be a blogger to comment, most blogs have the option to leave a comment as "anonymous" - you can leave your name in the comment if you want to. Here is what I am linking up this week:
Autumn is such an amazing season, I love the smells, the colours, the weather (yes I actually quite like rain). So Goblin and I have been doing some really simple Autumn Art. Nearly a year ago I made a crayon melt painting which required all the blue, green and grey sticks in three packs of crayons. So I was left with all the reds, yellows and oranges. They have languished in the art box all summer. But with the beautiful leaves turning on the trees I realised my crayons were Autumn colours.
So I cut out some leaf shapes for Goblin and set them out with all the Autumn coloured crayons. Goblin hasn't been very interested in drawing recently so I was really surprised and pleased when he sat down immediately and started colouring.
Like many of our craft activities, Goblin's enthusiasm didn't last long before he was distracted by a toy tractor. But he did colour a few leaves which I thought were quite pretty.
If your child is more enthusiastic you might even get enough to decorate a branch - maybe we'll manage a small twig!
And now to the linky

I'm sharing this with
  For the Kids FridayPhotobucketI Can Teach My Child

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how fun!! I love his leaves. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!


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