
Thursday 13 September 2012

Kids Co-op Link Up

Its Kids Co-op time again. Please link up your favourite kid orientated posts (as many as you like) and check out some of the others. Don't forget to leave a comment if you love what you see. Here is what I am linking up:
(Goblin is 35 months)
I have learnt from experience that trying to "teach" Goblin using structured activities does not work. However I do want to start introducing him to the concept of letters. So I thought I would use letters as part of his favourite play activity - digging. 
Goblin already had his digger and tractor out so I threw some letters into the mix - I used the LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Alphabet Set.
As Goblin picked them up with his digger and dumped them into the trailer I told him what the letters were. Sometimes I'd say, "do you know what this letter is, its a ggggg" and he'd say "geh" (the phonic sound). I was quite surprised how many he knew. But that is the mad thing, he does pick up a lot through play and discussion, so I don't feel the need to sit him down and teach because he'll pick it up as long as he's exposed to it over time.
I don't know if that is the same for every child or whether that is just how Goblin learns, but it certainly suits my parenting style - somewhat lazy.

And now to the linky, what have you guys been up to this week?

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