
Thursday 6 September 2012

Kids Co-op Link up

Its Kids Co-op time again. Please link up your favourite child centred posts and take a look at what others have been doing. Be sure to leave a comment if you like what you see. Here is what I am linking up this week.
Autumn Window Decoration
(Goblin is 34 months)
The Autumnal Equinox took place on 22 September hailing the end of Summer and the Beginning of my favourite season, Autumn (or Fall for you guys who can't spell Autumn). It doesn't feel very Autumny here. There are no leaves turning and in fact today it was blazing sunshine. But none the less I felt the need to mark the start of the countdown to winter. So Goblin and I did "an Art".
I cut out some tissue paper leaf shapes in suitably Autumn colours. And stuck some stickback plastic (contact paper) on the table, stick side up.
Then I let Goblin stick the leaves to the plastic as he saw fit - notice his clever way of leaning on the table without getting his hands stuck to the plastic (he did that all by himself).
When all the leaves were stuck on it looked like this. I took a large piece of black paper, folded it in half and cut out a leaf shape. Then I cut out two vains - one for each side. I stuck the plastic in the middle of the folded black paper and glued it in place, gluing the vains in the middle of the leaf silhouette.
And this is what the finished product looked like.
Now to the linky!
I'm sharing this at
Sciencesparks3 One Artsy MamaFor the Kids FridayLadybird Lnlearning laboratory at mama smiles


  1. Love the window decoration! Contact paper is now on my grocery list right next to black light. I don't think my grocery store has either (which means that this little list will be carried around with me for weeks....I love how predictable I am to me). {Sugarsnips}

  2. Your leaf came out beautifully! What a great kid-friendly activity! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great weekend,
    Beth =-)

  3. Oooh this is just so pretty! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Autumn!!!!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  4. Very pretty! Thanks for linking up to Learning Laboratory :)

  5. That is lovely. Thanks so much for linking up. x

  6. Looks like you had fun doing an art! It's a great idea for a window decoration. It would be lovely if you'd like to share this with our Autumn Carnival. :)


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