
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Paralympic Movement Activities

Today is the start of the Paralympics. In case you didn't know the logo above is the official Paralympic flag - I have to admit I had assumed the Paralympics also used the rings. The Paralympics will run from 29 August to 9 September 2012 and is hosted this year in London. To celebrate I've asked the wonderful Sandra from We Can Do All Things to share some fab gross motor activities. Sandra's daughter Adeline has down syndrome and Sandra uses these fun activities as physical therapy, but these activities are brilliant to get all toddlers moving during this fortnight of sporting fun.  
We are so thankful to be visiting with the Goblin today to help celebrate the Paralympics. Today we are sharing two of Adeline’s events in the “Puzzle Relays”.
Our first event is the “Scooter Puzzle Relay”. This event involves multi-tasking and gross motor. I place the puzzle pieces on one end of the room, and the puzzle board on the other. Adeline pushes herself on her scooter to the other end to put the piece in. In order for her to finish the puzzle she needs to go back and forth eight times. This is a fun way to motivate Adeline to perform a gross motor activity that otherwise may not be so fun.

Our second event is “The Plank Relay”. This event again uses multi- tasking. The puzzle pieces are placed at one end of the plank and the puzzle board at the other. Adeline must walk back and forth across the plank to complete the puzzle. This activity develops balance and gross motor skills. 

You can find more great ideas for gross motor fun at We Can Do All Things
We Can Do All Things
And you can find more about the Paralympics at

I'm sharing this with
Sciencesparks3For the Kids Friday

I Can Teach My Childlearning laboratory at mama smiles


  1. Wonderful activities! I need to look more into the paralympic games with my little ones.

  2. What a great idea and I love her scooter xxx

  3. What a wonderful set of activities! Thank you for this fantastic guest post, and for linking up to Learning Laboratory!

  4. I LOVE the scooter, thanks for linking to Science Sparks xxx

  5. That is a fantastic idea! We love those scooters, and I would have never thought to use it in this manner. Thank you for linking up to The Sunday Showcase.

  6. I love these ideas and how you've been so inspired about the Paralympics.


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