
Thursday 16 August 2012

Kids Co-op Link up

Its Kids coop time again, link up your favourite child focused posts and check out what everyone else has been up to. Here is what I am linking:
DIY colouring books
(Goblin is 34 months)

Goblin used to do lots of drawing and colouring when he was small, but these days he is a classic reluctant mark maker. He just find other things more interesting than sitting down at a table with pen and paper. We do lots of pincer grip practice with tweezers and tongs and small things that he needs to pick up, so we are still preparing him for being able to write (strengthening the muscles in his hands that he needs to manipulate a pen). But I thought it was time to try and get him back to the drawing board!
In order to capture his interest I decided to make him his very own colouring book. If you want to make one they are super easy.
I chose photos I already had of Goblin and his relatives. I uploaded them into the wonderful free photo editing programme Picasa. Sometimes you need to play around with the photos a little bit to bring them out looking like pencil sketches. I find brightening them and sometimes converting them to black and white before applying the 'pencil sketch'  option helps.
Once you have as many as you need, you can print them off and either provide them as individual colouring sheets, or compile them in a book. They also make great cheap gifts for friends birthdays
 Of course you do have to get over the fact that your face will be scribbled on!
Now to the linky

I'm sharing this at
Ladybird LnOne Artsy Mama


  1. this is such a fab idea! Im going to do one for my little boy and include all the family that he doesn't get to see regularly! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I LOVE this idea!!!!! It could not be more fantastic! I cannot wait to try some!

  3. I love this idea. How perfect. We'll have to try it soon.

  4. We received a 6 month trial on several Crayola products where you can upload pictures and make them into a coloring book. It's a great product and doesn't take any computer skill (I could do it!). Did yours get Goblin coloring, again?

    1. that sounds fun. Whats the product called - have you got a post? Sorry, being lazy, should come over and see shouldn't I.
      Actually today he sat down and drew a crocodile (or at least thats what he said he was drawing) having not touched his pens in about 6 months. Odd huh!

  5. Great idea! I have to try this. Oh and Grandad is kind of awesome :)

  6. How cool! Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)

  7. This is a really cool idea! I'll have to try this sometime.

  8. I appreciate your ideas.Best of luck.

  9. Did it over the weekend. Here are the results

  10. What a great idea for a coloring book! Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. :)

  11. i love this idea. totally going to be doing this for my toddler! thanks!

  12. Love this idea! Can't wait for my little nugget to really get into coloring...right now he's more interested in chewing on the crayons! LOL


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