
Friday 20 July 2012

Summer Virtual Book Club

(Goblin is 33 months)
The authors for the Summer Virtual Book Club this month are Don and Audrey Wood. To be honest I'd never heard of them so I was excited to get choose our book. They have done a lot of books (check out the linky) but we chose King Bidgood's in the Bathtub
The book is about a King who won't get out of the bathtub all day. Various people try to get him out by saying, there is a battle, a feast, a ball, to go to. But he insists on having them all in the bathtub. 
As I read the book I knew exactly what activity we would do to compliment this. We would have our own battle in the bathtub with junkmodel boats. 
Hublet and I found some instructions for making oragami boats and we tried our hand at it.  These got very soggy in the bath and sank pretty quickly.
I made a melon boat (and ate all the melon - yum!). Goblin threw this in the bath a bit too enthusiastically and it sank making the sails very soggy. It floated once I retrieved it from the bottom of the bath and emptied out the water. 
I made a giant pirate galleon out of cardboard. The cardboard did not like the water one bit and disintegrated instantly. But I retrieved the sails and popped them in playdough in plastic tubs.
This little boat made out of a juice bottle lid was sunk because the playdough was too heavy, once I took some of the playdough out it floated quite well except for Goblin's tidal waves.
And these two ice boats were a hit but didn't last very long in the warm bath. 
Goblin enjoyed the battle in the bathtub so much that the next day he asked for more boats. 
I'm sharing this at
I Can Teach My ChildOne Artsy Mama
Tuesday Totsabc buttonSerenity youFor the Kids Friday


  1. Your experimentation with different floatie things looked like a lot of fun! That book sounds like a hoot. I think my son will like it. I love The Napping House by this husband and wife team!

    1. Having read one I am definitely going to look out some others so I will check out the Napping House. Thanks Carolyn

  2. Ok first off, I don't think I've taken a single picture on my site as good as your series of boat trials. Second, I also like The Napping House (although we don't own it come to think of it, I think that's a grandparents house book). I am finally taking a little time to explore other blogs (when do people get to do it other than Friday night?). I'll end with one word: foam :)

    1. My photos are the result of my new toy - its a little light tent with coloured backgrounds. It comes with two daytime lights. It can only photograph smallish things but ist very cool. But as you can see i am too lazy to iron the backgrounds.
      Yes I did think craft foam ...... after i made all the bloody things!

    2. Oooo, I know what I am asking for for Christmas!

  3. PS Friday nights mean that my comments could be slightly delirious, but at least I'm finally commenting!

  4. I love all the different boats you made - what fun!

  5. This is great we love all of your boats. You can carve ivory soap into a bot shape insert sail and it floats.

  6. i love all the different boats! so creative! thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

  7. this would be great to do outdoors with the boys. thx

  8. Love the boats they look great fun!

  9. Oh my, the book looks great and what a fabulous selection of boats! Love!

  10. Oh fun! I don't know if you saw our Bidgood activities. We haven't done the battle yet, so I will have to link up to you when we do. I love your boats.

  11. I love all the boats and experiemnting with what floats and sinks.


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