
Sunday 22 July 2012

Science in the Sun

When your little one is rampaging and you need something quick to calm them down and focus there energy there is nothing better than a little bit of science in the sun.
You have probably seen this a million times on various blogs but its still a winner in our house.
Big tray of bicarbonate of soda, clear vinegar with food colouring, and a few pipettes (little spoons will work as well). 
Goblin loves the fizzing it makes. He also likes reversing the experiment and putting the bicarb into the vinegar which creates a little volcano in a glass.

I'm sharing this on
Tot SchoolMontessori Monday learning laboratory at mama smilesSciencesparks3


  1. I love you big bright colourful photos! And you are so right that this activity is always a hit :-)

  2. We'll have to do this. My daughter loves doing science experiments! I think a small part of that is because I am a scientist (prior to and after my life as a SAHM) although she likes to point out that I'm not a "potions scientist" so she should be in charge of the mixing---so true.

  3. The photos are great! Can i ask where you got the pipettes? I keep seeing them and want some!

    1. Rach, they are from amazon, if you click on the word pipette in the post it will take you to the amazon link.

  4. Birdy says that this looks like a lot of fun, but you need purple! :)

    1. Birdy, you can make your own purple as part of the experiment. Do you know which colours you would use?

  5. This is ALWAYS a hit in my house - never gets old!!!

    Thanks for linking up to Learning Laboratory =)

  6. Fun!! Thanks for sharing on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land!!

  7. I LOVE this. very cool. Thanks for linking up. xx


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