
Thursday 19 July 2012

Kids Co-op (#18 for me)

Its time for Kids Co-op. Please link up your favourite Kid based posts and check out what everyone else has been up to this week. Here is what I am linking up:

Lawn Mower Man
(Goblin is 33 months)

After the demise of my herd of guineapigs we had to purchase a lawnmower for the first time in out adult lives (not that we purchased many as kids!). We opted for a manual one thinking it might be slightly safer for the boy.
I was itching to cut the grass the other day but Goblin always wants a turn on the lawnmower which doesn't lead to much grass cutting. So I dashed into the house to make him one of his very own. 
I realise that this contraption doesn't look very impressive - thats because it took literally 5 minutes to put together. But I wanted to share it with you because it actually works! OK slight exaggeration, it doesn't cut the grass but the blade turns round as you push it on the long grass. 
I took the base of his plastic toy shopping trolley (cart) and attached a cardboard handle. Then I inserted a blade into the base of the trolley. 

The blade is two squares of cardboard with slots cut to the middle. I then intelocked them and taped a straw down the middle (straw depicted in red in diagram. Then I balanced the straw on the lower rung of the trolley and stuck little U shaped to hold it in place but allow it to turn. 

Goblin was so entertained by his new toy that he was mowing long after I had finished actually cutting the lawn. 

Now to the linky! I'm sharing this at 

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Haha, that's clever cardboard engineering!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I'm really impressed. Seriously. You even drew a diagram. This would be so far outside my abilities, you have no idea.
    I have tagged in a meme (you might know what this is, unlike me). It is basically answering questions about "how do you find time to...".

    1. Thanks Rach. Actually I have no idea what tagged in a meme means but it sounds cool, so thanks very much.

  4. Holy Canoli! You literally can make anything for the Goblin. Seriously impressed! I hope you link up this awesomeness at The Outdoor Play Party tomorrow.

  5. That is so cool. I love that you gave it a rotating part. My girls would love this.

  6. WOW! Awesome! I am so impressed- this would have taken me hours, definitely not 5 minutes. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Greatly impressed by the lawnmower. Not sure I could have come up with that, let alone in 5 minutes. "J" has been wanting a lawnmower of his own I might need to get to work making something like this.

  8. Thanks for adding this to the outdoor link up this week. I love that you are able to just 'whip' something like this up - I am so not technical & could never in a million years do this - lucky, lucky Goblin!

    1. I have to confess I didn't intend for it to work, I just wanted it to look like a blade. I was quite surprised myself when it actually turned round. Thats why I thought I should share the design.

  9. New follower from TGIF Party. Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can!

    Love the title of your blog btw ;)

  10. I love your creativity and clearly so does Goblin! Well done both of you, I am seriously impressed with this! Thanks for sharing on Country Kids. I wonder how many others will try and make a lawnmower now?

  11. That is such a clever idea. I am not sure I could have even thought that up!

    Goblin looks like he had so much fun. My three will mow the lawn with buggies and the hoover! They are very versatile toys!

    Thanks for linking to family frolics! :)

  12. Wow Mama! You are seriously creative! I'm sharing this tomorrow on my Kid's Co-op post. Come on over, check it out, and grab a button!

  13. What a great, creative Mom you are!! I love it!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

    1. Just to let you know I'll be featuring this post this week!! Thanks again for sharing it!!


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