
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Invitation to play - Fail!

(Goblin is 33 months)
 This is how my colour sorting invitation to play worked out......
Need I say more!


  1. Ha - this is so familiar!! Usually the first few (or 10)times I put the little plastic pegs out for the children to use with a peg board, they just scatter them round the table. Stick with it!

    1. We took Goblin last summer to look around a beautiful Montessori school we are considering. They had loads of these little pots of pegs and beads and small things. Goblin pulled an entire shelfs worth of stuff onto the floor and I spent the next half hour talking to one of the teachers while picking up beads. They were very understanding but it was totally embarrassing.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank goodness I only put a handful out!

  3. hahahaha, I have been there too. 10 minutes to set up, 30 seconds of play, half an hour clean up!!! :)

    1. made me think of the slip and slide - all that set up for just a short time.....also getting a kite up in the air.....again short play time!

  4. Not a fail! Instead - it turned out to be a wonderful exploration in fine motor/eye-hand coordination. Now just get out a broom and you have daily living skills at work too!

  5. Did any make it to the mouth? I'm sure that's where my 34 month old would have put them!

    1. Not this time. He does sometimes stick Hama beads in his mouth but he tends to just hold them there rather than swallowing, so I don't consider them a risk for him. But you make a good point. This activity isn't for every child, parents would need to assess whether their child is far enough out if the oral phase to be safe

  6. I am laughing with you not at you. He still had fun with it for sure!

  7. Oh maaan!
    One of my twins would be exactly the same, the other would spend an hour, painstakingly sorting the beads.

  8. Hahahaha, what pretty mess they make though! We just used very similar beads to make melted bowls... must post about it soon :-)

  9. Been there and done that too, only ours was a whole tub of rice! I was finding it for days!

  10. Well, that's a bust- but at least it was a funny one!

  11. Oh this kind of thing happens to me all of the time lol

  12. i did a sensory bin with confetti once...that was my fail. i do love how Goblin is up on his tippy toes!

  13. Its not a fail its playing - in a different way?? Learning about gravity and tidying up perhaps?!

  14. Ah yes, I guess sometimes that is just the way it is! :-)

  15. That is exactly how my kid is. I'm glad I'm not the only one. : )

  16. Definitely not a fail. My daughter never much enjoyed sorting activities. And also another thing that comes to my mind,picking these tiny beads with tweezers might be a bit difficult for this age.Maybe try some pompoms instead? Oh and my son always throws everything on the floor if he gets overwhelmed or tired.

    1. It is a tricky activity but I don't think that was the issue. He was doing it fine up until the point where he thought it would be more fun to throw them on the floor. His main problem is concentration. He just isn't into doing anything for more than a few minutes at the moment unless it involves trucks and diggers. We have done the activity with pompoms with exactly the same result! But we are working on building up concentration time, so maybe this time next year he will be able to sit long enough to do it


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