
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Garden kitchen

(Goblin is 33 months)
Goblin was playing in the garden when I found some coloured spaghetti and water beads that were on their last legs. Instead of throwing them out I decided to give them one last outing, and put them in a giant tub of water for Goblin to play with.
If you are a regular reader you will know that Goblin has been doing a lot of imaginary play recently and one of the things he enjoys is his imaginary garden kitchen. I have taken a bunch of utensils that we don't use any more and donated them to his outdoor play area. So I wasn't surprised when he decided to incorporate them into this messy play. First he scooped out water beads with a little sieve and gave me a "cup of tea". And then he found some "plates" "knives" and "Forks" and served up some dinner for me and him.
He explained that he needed to put the food in the oven so I grabbed one of the giant garden chalks and drew an oven and washing machine on the gate and shed door. Goblin dictated how many buttons and dials they needed, before putting his concoction in to bake. When it was finished he served it up. 

I'm sharing this with
  Tuesday Tots abc buttonFor the Kids Friday


  1. Where did you get your water beads from?

    1. I got mine on ebay but you can also get them on amazon and i have seen them ready swelled in hobby craft and some pound shops

  2. Thank you for the idea of "donating" kitchen utensils. I have ours stuck in a drawer under a pile of knick knacks.

  3. This looks like so much fun! I love the blue foods!

  4. I love the simplicity of your outside play kitchen! It amazes me that kids truly don't need much stuff to be captivated in their play - wonderful!!

  5. that's so fun! i bet that he had a blast! thanks for linking this up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

  6. Looks like you had such a great time! thanks for linking!

  7. hi! I am holding my very first linky party & think it would be fantastic if you came over & linked this up to the Crafty Kidlet Linky Party, i think it is fantastic!


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