
Sunday 29 July 2012

Exploring the Island

 (Goblin is 33 months)
Today was a beautiful day and we took a small 12 man foot ferry across the sea to an island opposite Nanny's house. Incredibly this is something I'd never done before, but its certainly something I'll do again. The island has a wonderful shoreline with sand, seashells, clay and flowers. 
Goblin was in investigation heaven, and with no cars around it was safe to 'let him off the lead'. The skys were blue and there were tons of sailing boats around. When he did pause from running around and chasing the dog he looked at the clouds. "Look mummy a submarine!" - I love how his imagination is flourishing. 
We spent a few hours on the Island, stopping for a picnic and watching some kites. But then the weather started to look foreboding. We heard thunder and saw rainclouds looming on the horizon. 
By the time we got back to the beach where the ferry picked up from the rain had started and the sky was black. But Goblin was unfazed. He simply put on his rain mac and carried on exploring.

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  1. Looks lovely.We went to the beach at West Wittering on Tuesday.The kids enjoyed it so much.

    1. I forgot you were over that way. That is where I grew up and we used to drive to West Wittering every summer when I was a teenager. I love it there. Maybe we will take Goblin (once he can swim!)

  2. What amazing pictures! I love that your little guy is such an explorer. Such wonderful memories you all with have...thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Gina I love that he is a little explorer too. He is so curious and I really want to foster that as long as i can

  3. Great pictures I love all that you did!

  4. Sounds like a blissful day :-) Goblin would have been in his element I imagine. Your photos are really beautiful. Our days are already warming up and we are seeing daffodils and buds coming on the trees - not long now until we can run around in t-shirts again.

    1. This is the first and only week of summer so far that its been warm enough (and we still got caught in the rain!)

  5. What lovely, lovely photos...felt like we could have been there with you enjoying those shells and sunshine! I just adore that first photo of Goblin!

  6. Beautiful pictures - love the beach huts.

  7. Looks like a wonderful place to explore. I love that Goblin was unfazed by the storm. Thanks for linking up to Tuesday's Travels !

  8. Oh, what a wonderful place to explore and it sounds like a great day! Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!!

  9. Oh wow that place looks so nourishing for the soul! For little people and us biggies too! Beautiful X

    1. What a lovely way to put it, it is very soul nourishing indeed


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