
Monday 9 July 2012

Art at the beach

(Goblin is 32 months)
Red Ted Art
I love the work of Andy Goldsworthy. He is an artist who works with natural materials in their natural habitats to create non permanent pieces of art. And the art is quite incredible. You can search an entire catalogue of his work here but I actually find it easier to type his name into google images. 
While at the beach Goblin started collecting rocks. Hublet helped him to dig some of them up to add to his bucket. I suggested he might want to stack them, but Goblin had his own ideas.
 Goblin made his own Andy Goldsworthy style spiral. 

The one on the left is Andy Goldsworthy and the one on the right is Goblin's. 
(Yeah OK I probably didn't need to point that out did I!)

I'm sharing this at
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall  abc buttonSciencesparks3


  1. I love this post, simple and beautiful.

    1. Thank you Clara, what a lovely thing to say

  2. such a pure way to create artwork. i've never heard of him before, but going to do some research. also, pinning this to my famous artists board :)

  3. Oh, I love Andy's work and your son's as well! Thanks for posting both of their works!

  4. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land!! Hope to see you again soon :)

  5. Goblin's version is every bit as good! Thanks for sharing on Country Kids. I must get mine to be more creative at the beach!

  6. I just love the activities you guys get up too! What a lucky little man you guys have x

  7. Wow, fantastic! I love this idea, so simple, but so much fun!

    Thanks for linking to Science sparks. xx

  8. Goblin's is beautiful! I love art outdoors and the beach is such a great setting for it. Fantastic. Love how you managed to find all the different sized stones and get them in order. Great way to explore art AND size ;-)

    Thank you so much for joining us on our Kids Get Arty journey!



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