Friday, 1 June 2012

The Mermaid Project - Competition

I am very excited to announce my first ever competition/giveaway. I made the Waldorf inspired mermaid doll for a tutorial guest post at Mamapeapod's fab series 'Time for Mama'. If you'd like to make one please pop over and have a read.

The Competition
You can win the doll pictured above by entering this competition.
To enter the competition you need to do a 'project' inspired by this Mermaid doll.

What is a Project - Well it can be absolutely anything. You could give your kids a bath and get them to splash their tails like a mermaid, or you could paint your child's room with an under the sea theme mural, and everything in between.
Who can enter - Anyone with a mermaid inspired idea. The competition is open internationally. Obviously you must be willing to give me your postal address if you win so I can post the doll to you.
Do I need to have a blog - No you don't need to be a blogger to enter. If you don't have a blog you can enter by email your project to
  tamingthegoblin [at] gmail [dot] com 
(please title your email Mermaid project), and I will compile a post of all non blog entries the day before the competition winner is announced.
Can I enter more than once - Yes, you can enter as many times as you like but each entry must be a different project. The idea is to get as many inspiring projects as possible.
Do I need to add the Mermaid project button - You don't have to put the button on your entry but it would be really nice if you did so others know that you are linking to this competition and it helps spread the word. If your project has no pictures (eg a poem or story) the button can act as a thumb nail when you link up.

Mermaid Project

How long have I got - The competition is open from 1 June 2012 to 1 July 2012. Please make sure you link up your project or email it before the 1 July 2012 to be in with a chance of winning the doll.
Who will judge it - Hublet and I will judge the competition. We will be looking for something that stands out. We aren't necessarily looking for the best made item or the most beautiful or well written, age will be taken into consideration when judging entries. 
What if I have a question you haven't answered here - please leave any questions or queries in the comments. That way others who might also have the same question can see the answer when I reply. Alternatively you can email me at tamingthegoblin [dot] gmail [dot] com.

Link up here

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Important note: This doll is hand made by me. It has therefore not passed any safety checks for allowing it to be used with or by children. You will need to make your own risk assessment about whether its OK for your child. If you have any questions about this please leave them in the comments section.
Second important note: Allergy alert. This doll was made in a house that contains a cat. If you or your child has severe allergies to cat hair this doll may not be suitable for you. 
Third important note: This blogger is overly cautious about being sued!

I'm linking this to 

Classified: MomLadybird LnOne Artsy MamaFor the Kids FridayPhotobucketSerenity youFamily-Friendly Giveaway Linky Sew ChattyMade with Love


  1. Brilliant! You did such a great job ~ well done! We are still working on our ideas... can't wait to join in!

  2. Love! You need to set up a little shop to sell your beautiful dolls!

    1. Aw thanks Heather. I'm afraid that I don't actually finish my dolls in a professional enough way to sell them. You'll see what i mean if you pop over to Mamapeapod and look at the tutorial - confession about one arm being somewhat longer than the other.

  3. Hmmmm...I need to start thinking about mermaids now. Maybe I'll go find Hazel's book Ten Little Mermaids and see if there is any inspiration.

    Your doll is beautiful!!

    1. look forward to seeing what you come up with

  4. I am so inspired by your post that I've just added this project to my summer bucket list of things I want to do with my daughter. She will LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Awesome, that can be my claim to fame - I was on a bucket list

  5. This is brilliant - I have wanted to make one for ages but I haven't got around to it yet. It's on my ever growing to do list.

    I've added a couple of old posts and will be adding some more. I know a little girl that would love this

    1. yey thanks for linking up - now it doesn't look quite so lonely as it did with just the one (although that would have made judging a lot easier!)

  6. Oh wow.. I'll come back with a mermaid inspiration.. But that doll is super cute..

    thanks for linking into Made with love.. :)

  7. that doll is so cute! some good links there too. thanks so much for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

  8. Thanks for linking up to Serenity Saturday

    will hopefully be joining in with the competition soon

    Natasha xx

  9. Thank you for sharing this on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week to share some more.

  10. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  11. Love your Mermaid doll, it is so beautiful! What a fun competition, I look forward to seeing all the projects! :)

  12. My daughter would love that mermaid! I'll have to start thinking what we could make.

  13. Our link up ended up being less mermaid than planned but I've added it anyway. We might try to revisit mermaids again in the next few days but Pirates are winning the popular vote this week!
    I would be happy with a waldorf doll that was completed even if it had uneven arsm, mine just has a head, and has done for a year!

  14. So funny. I saw this doll last week and bookmarked the page to come back and enter when I finally got around to finishing a mermaid project for "M's" 4th birthday party and it turns out you checked out my blog this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to write up the mermaid post before this weekend so I can enter. Either way, it's a beautiful doll. Great job!(

  15. Ok, just finished a quick last one. I lucky found a little mermaid doll to be able to do my last idea. I hope you like all my different ones. We had fun participating in it!

  16. Thank you for linking up to Made with Love - I adore this doll and really want to make one myself. Just to let you know that I have featured it today on Made with Love for the month.


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