
Monday, 25 June 2012

Living History

(Goblin is 32 months)
This weekend Goblin and I went to a Living History event at Kentwell Hall in Suffolk. For three weeks of the year the entire manor and grounds are populated by 400 individuals who dress up in sixteenth century costume. 
They carry out a host of activities that would have been the livelihoods of those living on or around a 16th century country manor house. You will find basket makers, chandlers, colliers, alchemists, merchants, bowyers, archers, sotlers, bakers, dairymaids, and brewers. There are those who work with wool including dyers, spinners, weavers and felt makers. There are those who work with metal including iron smelters on the foundry and black smiths on the forge. There are working kilns for glass blowing and firing of pottery made on the manor. And there are of course a host of gentle folk and servants in the great house. 
Goblin was pretty oblivious to the fact that there were lots of people in strange clothing around the manor. He did however notice all the animals. We found horses, pigs, peacocks, goats, sheep and donkeys. We even found some animal skeletons at the Alchemists!
Goblin wasn't very interested in the adults and their tasks but he did like talking to all the children. Many or the participants are home schoolers and bring there children to take part as a living history lesson. They don't just learn about life in those times, they also learn very practical lessons like how to sharpen a knife and use it safely and how to light a fire and tend it.
The history lesson wasn't completely wasted. Goblin learned that when Nanny's are naughty you place them in the stocks!
Kentwell hall is wonderful and we spent 5 hours there and didn't even see everything. It is very child friendly and is definitely worth a visit if you are in the UK. I'd recommend going on one of the Tudor or WWII event days. More details can be found on their website.

Here are some of the photos we took during our day out. 

I am sharing this with

Tot Schoollearning laboratory at mama smilesMontessori Monday  Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 


  1. I love living history events like this - such a lovely, hands-on way for children to learn!

    Thanks for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  2. So good to see history re-enacted like this. Goblin clearly enjoyed the day! Thank you for linking up to Country Kids

  3. That looks like a great place to visit with the children - and I'm always up for a bit of education mix in with fun.

  4. Thought I commented on this last year! Lovely pic of smallest and her sticks :)


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