
Thursday 28 June 2012

Kids Co-op link up (#15 for me)


Its Kids Co-op time again - Please link up your kid centred ideas and display the kids co-op badge somewhere on your post or blog. Here is what I will be linking up this week:
Animal Sensory Play
(Goblin is 32 months)
I recently got some new and excitingly effective food colouring, so I put them to good use making some green play rice and some purple and blue sensory play spaghetti for Goblin. I put out two sensory bins for him to discover in the morning. 
The first was an animal safari complete with jaguar, puma, zebra, tapir, giraffe, warthog, crocodile and dear. It also had some safari vehicles that we picked up at the zoo. 
Next to it I placed an ocean sensory bin with urchin, star fish, jelly fish, marlin, turtle, octopus and ray.
I thought the bins looked very inviting, but Goblin taught me a very important lesson when he came down in the morning - Never put cars in a sensory bin. Goblin is way too obsessed with vehicles and he picked the four vehicles out of the bins and went off to play with them. The poor sensory bins were left untouched for the rest of the day. Lesson learned.

Now to the Linky!

I'm sharing this with
For the Kids Friday


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I LOVE the way the noodles turned out with the food coloring! GREAT colors! Makes me wanna play too! Thanks so much for sharing this post on the Kids Co-Op weekly linky up!

    1. Thanks, I loved them too, But Goblin was too busy with his cars to notice.

  3. Hi there! I just loved your post and the honesty of it (he just walked away with the 4 vehicles)! Isn't that the way it is sometimes with kids! You have inspired me to try out the blue spaghetti with my son. It looks super cool! Thanks!

  4. I really want to make some of those noodles!!!

    Thanks for linking to Science Sparks x

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