
Thursday 14 June 2012

Kids Co-op Link up (#13 for me)

 The Weekly Kid's Co-op
Its that time of the week. Link up your favourite kid orientated posts, and visit some of the great ideas linked up below. Don't forget to leave comments if you like someones idea - everyone loves comments.
Here is what I am linking this week:
Celebrating the Wind again
(Goblin is 32 months)
A couple of months ago I wrote a post about how Goblin and I had been celebrating the wind by flying kites and tying ribbons to trees. So I had to share with you our newest acquisition. We got prayer flags for our garden. For anyone who doesn't know, payer flags are a Buddhist idea and traditionally have prayers written on them. They are associated with Tibet although we saw many in the hills of Darjeeling, Northern India when we went to visit the area where my Dad went to school. I have always thought they were such a lovely idea, similar to wishing trees.
Rather than prayers, as we aren't a religious family, these beautiful flags have Fairy Buddhas pictured on them and were purchased from Faery Mother's Etsy shopI had to hang them quite high up because Hublet is tall and I didn't want him maiming himself every time he went out of the gate. I like the height because now they can be seen from the road too. Goblin was very excited by the new flags wafting in the breeze. He kept doing ineffectual toddler jumps to try and catch them - don't you just love the way tinies think they can reach flags, aeroplanes and the moon by jumping. 
I hung a second set in Goblin's room. Not a huge amount of wind there so these may end up in the garden too, but I want to see how the first set last in British wind and rain before I hang the second set outdoors. So for now they will live above Goblin's bed. As you can see from the photo Goblin wanted to help me with hanging them so he got out his wooden tool kit, climbed a set of steps and 'helped' by hammering the door. Not quite the harmony I was hoping the prayer flags would evoke!
Faery Mother's  blog is a little haven of peace and beauty and is definitely worth a visit if you have a minute. And I'd like to thank her for extending a little piece of that beauty to us with these flags.  
And now lets see what everyone else has been up to this week.

I'm sharing this with 


  1. Replies
    1. they remind me a little of your story book bunting

  2. Thanks honey, it's amazing to think the flags are all the way in the UK and being enjoyed by such a wonderful family. They look bright and happy in your home- Glad you like them. x

    1. i've been enjoying seeing them flutter in the wind all evening - you can see them through our patio doors as we sit watching TV. It great

  3. Omg, that is not seriously Goblin's bedroom in the background?! So super awesomely cute and fun! I love it :-) And love this idea for the flags. We have yet to fly a kite or anything like that. My kids would love this. Thanks for sharing at the Kids Co-op!


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