
Tuesday 14 February 2012

Just Playing

I found this poem by Anita Wadley at Pragmatic mom blog. I'm really embracing the importance of play at the moment so I thought I'd share this with you.

Just Playing
When I am building in the block room, 
Please don’t say I’m “Just Playing.” 
For, you see, I’m learning as I play, about balance and shapes.
 Who knows, I may be an an architect someday.
When I am getting all dressed up, 
Setting the table, caring for the babies, 
Don’t get the idea I’m “Just Playing.” 
For, you see, I’m learning as I play.
 I’m expressing myself and being creative. 
I may be an artist or an inventor someday.
When you see me sitting in a chair “Reading” to an imaginary audience,
 Please don’t laugh and think I’m Just Playing.” 
For, you see, I’m learning as I play. 
I may be a teacher someday.
When you see me combing the bushes for bugs, 
Or packing my pockets with choice things I find, 
Don’t pass it off as “Just Play.” 
For, you see, I’m learning as I play. 
I may be a scientist someday.
When you see me engrossed in a puzzle or some “plaything” at my school,
 Please don’t feel that time is wasted in “Play.” 
For, you see, I’m learning as I play. 
I’m learning to solve problems and concentrate.
 I may be in business some day.
When you see me cooking or tasting foods, 
Please don’t think that because I enjoy it, it is Just Play.” 
For, you see, I’m learning as I play. 
I’m learning to follow directions and see differences. 
I may be a cook someday.
When you see me learning to skip, hop, run, and move my body, 
Please don’t say I’m “Just Playing.” 
For, you see, I’m learning as I play. 
I’m learning how my body works. 
I may be a doctor, nurse, or athlete someday.
When you ask me what I’ve done at school today, 
And I say, I “Just played.” 
Please don’t misunderstand me. 
For, you see, I’m learning as I play. 
I’m learning to enjoy and be successful at my work, 
I’m preparing for tomorrow.
Today, I am a child and my work is play.

I'm linking this to
 It's Playtime at hands on : as we grow 
  Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I love this post and the poem that accompanies all of the wonderful photos of your son. What a lucky little boy you have! I am so glad that you "found" my blog so that I could discover yours! I can't wait to explore and look around some more. Thanks so much for linking up to my "All Things Wonderful Link Party". I am such a visual person and I realized I accidently had my link party settings on basic without the thumbnails. So, I changed it and I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble coming back and linking this post again? I just think it is great.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  2. Oh this is wonderful & your photos are so perfect to illustrate it. Thanks again for linking up, can't wait to share this everywhere! Kierna

  3. What great pictures to go with the poem! Thank you for linking up to The Outdoor Play Party! Do you have chickens? We want them but our neighborhood association would never permit it. =(

  4. Lovely message in your poem and all so true. Thank you for linking to Country Kids, that beach picture is adorable

  5. what a beuatiful poem and your photos are just perfet for it! LOVELY!


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