
Monday 20 February 2012

Guest post - Lessons learned

(Goblin is 28 months)

Woop! Woop! I got my first guest post published.

Please go and check it out over at H is for Home Schooling

It is part of a Sunday series of guest posts entitled "Lessons Learned". The idea behind the series is to share in a more honest and open way some of the more difficult moments in parenting, but in a lighthearted way, and hopefully with a 'lesson learned' at the end of each post.
It also gives a sneaky peak into the inner "crazee" within many blogging parents.

If you aren't a blogger yourself, and you read kids activity blogs and find yourself feel somewhat inadequate that you aren't doing X, Y, Z with your little one (like I sometimes do), this series may be just the remedy. It will help you see that bloggy parents have just as many lazy days and bad parenting days - they just don't tell you about them that often.

If you do pop over to H is for Home Schooling do take time to read some of Sierra's other posts, she has some really great tot school ideas including a wednesday link party, and she has just started two new link ups, one for playdough ideas, and one for sensory bins.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post, we do very much choose what we present through our blogs, so nice to show things don't always go smoothly!


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