
Sunday 5 February 2012

Days of the week

(Goblin is 27 months)
Hublet and I talk to Goblin about the days of the week, but it occurred to me that without any visual aids its hard to learn them consistently. I always find it easier to learn things if I have visual cues, so I thought I'd make him some.
Goblin's uncle bought him a proper play mat for his Birthday, and since then the cardboard one I made has been sitting unloved behind a shelf. So I decided to re-task it.
 I painted a big section of it with black paint and trimmed it down to size. Then I laminated the days of the week and glued them on to the right hand side. On the left hand side I put velcro strips opposite each day. I also laminated two phrases "today is" and "Tomorrow is". I put velcro on the back of these. Every day Hublet or I will talk to Goblin about what day it is, and move the phrases to the right days. I realise that Goblin can't read yet, but I think he will start to recognise the word shapes for the different days - especially as they are in sequence. And to help I made them all different colours.
I also made a second sign. This one tells Goblin who is looking after him. He already recognises the word Mummy, and guessed the word Daddy after I explained what the sign said. 
I made a hanging pocket out of an A4 plastic wallet and some double sided sticky tape. I stuck it on the bottom of the sign to hold all the names of the possible people who could be looking after him. The only trouble is that the sign doesn't quite work for the weekends when its Mummy and Daddy looking after him - but he can't read yet so the fact it says "is" rather than "are" doesn't bother me too much.

I'm linking this to 
Tot School Montessori Monday abc button


  1. I love how you repurposed that! Great way to help him learn the days of the week!

  2. Repurposing, you are an achiever! Don't know that I would have the patience to paint the carboard once let alone twice and don't know if I would have the heart to paint over my first creation -lol.

  3. Stopping by from Show & Tell! Very cool how you repurposed and made it into a teaching tool. I LOVE the who is taking care of me today... I think I'll to do something like that too! :) Thanks for sharing.


  4. Great idea ... and I love the "____ is looking after me today" part. I think that would help any child feel more secure. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  5. I love this idea. We are redoing our library/ classroom and am going to borrow the idea for our door.

  6. Such great ideas! Thanks for linking them to Hey Mom, Look What I Did on Adventures In Mommy Land!!

    hope to see you again sometime!


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