
Saturday 18 February 2012

Bleeding Ninja biscuits

(Goblin is 28 months)
I found a recipe for peanut butter biscuits over at Lessons Leant Journal. I love peanut butter so thought I'd try them out with Goblin. 
The ingredients for these biscuits are:
60g castor sugar
60g brown sugar
60g plain flour
200g smooth peanut butter
1 egg
dash vanilla essence
strawberry jam
In case you don't want to read on I'll tell you now that you heat the over to 190 C (375 F, Gas mark 5) and cook the biscuits for 10 minutes.
I'm teaching Goblin that the first thing you do when cooking is wash your hands - normally washing your hands means playing with the tap for half an hour, but when its time to cook Goblin does simply wash his hands, dry them and come to the mat. He obviously likes cooking more than playing with water.

 Hublet helped Goblin put the ingredients (except the jam) in the bowl.
Then we mixed all the ingredients (except the jam) together. Goblin found mixing a bit tricky because the peanut butter was a bit stiff. Once we'd mixed everything we stuck our hands in to make balls of dough. Goblin took this as a cue to go wash his hands again.
I had to make most of the dough balls but Goblin was good at pushing the holes into the tops of the balls. Of course this was another cue to go wash his hands!
For Christmas Hublet was given some cookie cutters in the shape of ninjas. They are to make Ninjabread (get it!)
I thought it would be fun to make a couple of bleeding ninjas (a bit macabre I know but it makes me giggle). Goblin helped fill all the holes with jam - including his own mouth hole. And then he felt the need to go wash his hands.
 Then we popped them in the oven and while they were cooking Goblin volunteered to clean up. 
The finished biscuits were so yummy that they didn't last very long at all. In fact I may have burnt my mouth by trying to eat one straight out of the oven.
 Note to self, baked jam is really hot!

I'm sharing this at
 Classified: Mom


  1. Hahahahaha! I love the baking in your house - it always has a funny side :-) And these are great!!

    Master D could also happily lose an hour washing his hands!

  2. Love your creative bleeding Ninjas Monko. I agree - they are delicious and we get through one batch very quickly. Thank you for the mention. I feel most honoured. xoxo Pauline.

  3. Oh my goodness my son would love those ninja cookie cutters. Where did you get them?

    I am hosting a Sunday Blog Hop and would love for you to link up your cute blog:>

  4. lovin these

    Thanks for linking up to Serenity Saturday Link Party

    Natasha xx

  5. Those, biscuits look adorably awesome! I have 3 boys (and 2 girls who love their big brothers and everything they do) and I know they would love them. I'll have to convert the measurements but I think it's well worth it. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Danielle I have amended the post to link to the amazon page where we got the cookie cutters - its the UK site but I checked and they do also have them on the US amazon site.
    Bridget you can get the US measurements (ie in cups) from lessons learnt journal which I've linked to at the top of the post.


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