(Goblin is 27 months)
Hublet and I take turns to look after Goblin while the other goes to work. He does Monday and Tuesday and I do Thursday and Friday and Goblin goes to nursery on Wednesday when we both work. I thought as Goblin got older it would be easier to go to work, but its actually got harder. Goblin is growing up so fast and he is so interactive and fun to be around and I miss him when I am working.
But luckily Hublet keeps me informed of their daily activities by emailing me photos throughout the day. Not only does it allow me little moments of pleasure knowing my boys are having fun, but it also gives me some insight into Goblin's days with daddy. They are quite different to his days with me.
For instance Goblin often gets out the Megablocks when he is with Hublet. He hasn't touched the Megablocks with me in over a year, but apparently its a frequent activity when the boys are on their own. They build huge towers and Goblin steals Hublet's blocks to make his tower bigger. This is a series of photos I was sent on Tuesday recording the progress of their activity.
Hublet also does lots of jigsaws with Goblin. I got a very proud email on Tuesday while I was at work, telling me Goblin had done all the bit of the jigsaw you can see in the photo on his own.
I love that Goblin gets the opportunity to do different activities with each of us and has different parental input. I'm sure it will help him develop different skills and respond better to a variety of situations in later life. We are very lucky that we have jobs that allow us to share childcare. I'm linking this to

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