(Goblin is 27 months)
I take a lot of photos of Goblin at work and play. Most of the time he doesn't mind but sometimes it sends him off his rhythm and he gets annoyed. Recently he's got more interested in what I am doing when I take a photo, and he's even told me to take a photo when he's done something he likes, like lining his cars up.
Yesterday he tried to grab my camera. I said he could look at it but I needed to hold it. I showed him how to look through the view finder to see the subject, and where the button was to take a photo. He pressed the button and I showed him the photo he had taken. Judging by the photo I don't think he quite understood the view finder!
He really liked the instant play back of what he'd done. He wanted to take more photos. I think we may have a little David Bailey on our hands.
And here is Goblin taking a photo of Hublet, taking a photo of him, taking a photo of Hublet!
I am linking this to

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