
Thursday 26 January 2012

My 'go to' blogs

A while ago I told you about HappyWhimsicalHearts, my 'feel good' blog, but I also have three blogs that I would consider my 'Go To' blogs. One for all my educational activities and two for all my craft activities. I thought I'd share them with you in case you haven't discovered them yet.

Living Montessori Now.
This is a fantastic blog written by Deb Chitwood. It covers all things Montessori including articles about Montessori Methods, Give Aways of Montessori equipment and books (and a link party for Give Aways on other people's blogs),  but I have to confess my main love is the Montessori Monday link up.
Montessori Monday
Every Monday Deb hosts a link up where anyone doing Montessori based activities can post their stuff. It is a one stop shop for brilliant ideas and the majority of the educational activities I have done with Goblin come from this link up. 

This blog is written by Maggy Woodley and I love, love, love it! Every single post is something crafty and inspirational. I went through a phase of clicking on pictures on link up parties and always ending up at this blog - so now I cut out the middle man and just visit direct. It has 'how to' tutorials, 'what we have been doing' blog posts and again a fab link up party. 
This link up party is on a Wednesday and contains a bunch of ideas for craft activities for all age groups. I always find something to do with Goblin on my weekly visits. 

This is another fab blog for craft activities. This blog is focussed more directly at Goblin's age group which is why I like it so much. I also really like the layout, its very easy to find exactly what you want with all the clever headers and sublinks. If you visit close to a big holiday be sure to check out the 'Festivals and Celebrations' sublink in the 'Spirit' header. It has archived ideas for nearly every holiday going. This is where I found the fab Diwali salt dough candle holders last year. And of course it has a great link up, on a Friday. 
This link up has both craft ideas and wider play themed posts and there is a lot to pick from for toddlers. 

So go and visit, enjoy them, and why not spread the word. 


  1. Thanks SO MUCH for your lovely words about my blog - and thanks for including me in your list with such awesome bloggers!!! I'm so glad you enjoy Living Montessori Now and Montessori Monday. I always look forward to seeing what's linked up on Montessori Monday, too! :) Deb @

  2. Wow, thank you so much. I'm so pleased you enjoy our ideas, and that you find the layout easy to use - that's great feedback, thank you.

  3. These are all wonderful sites. I spend a lot time on all of these as well.

  4. Aaaah thank you so much for those lovely lovely words :-) so pleased you like my site, that makes me really happy!!!!

    Have a lovely day :-)


  5. Three great picks - love them all!

  6. I am so chuffed that we are your feel good blog :-) I also spend a lot of time reading the other blogs you listed!


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