(Goblin is 26 months old)
Up until about a month ago Goblin would switch the cuddly toys he took to bed every night. It was sort of part of the bed time thing (I wouldn't call what happens in our house a routine as such). We'd read Goblin a story and then ask which cuddlers he wanted to take to bed - he gets two. We'd show him every single toy and he'd say no to every one, then we'd do it again and this time he'd choose which ones he'd take to bed.However this changed about a month ago when Goblin made a best friend, Lamby. Lamby has always been part of Goblin's plethora of toys (he was actually mine before Goblin was born). But suddenly he has become Goblin's favourite. He wants him down stairs with him during the day, and in his cot at night and during naps, and sometimes we even have little tantrums if Lamby isn't allowed to come on walks and outings.
The good thing about Lamby being a favourite is that Goblin will play games 'with' Lamby.
If Goblin is playing with his vehicles, I will sometimes animate Lamby to join in. Goblin is currently learning about turn taking. However his interpretation of this is often that as long as he says "Goblin's turn" then it is his turn. I have tried to explain that sometimes its not his turn, but the problem with it being 'Mummy's turn' is that Mummy already has authority to make that decision. But if its 'Lamby's turn' Goblin has to make the decision whether to let it be Lamby's turn. If Goblin decides he's not going to let Lamby have a go, Lamby gets upset - like another toddler would. Its a bit more realistic than Mummy bursting into tears. And it enables me to explain how Goblin could make Lamby feel better by letting him have a turn. Its a safe environment for Goblin to learn social norms.
Lamby is also helping Goblin learn colours. We play a game where Goblin gets Lamby to load bricks into a trailer. Either Lamby will ask Goblin what colour brick he is carrying, or I will ask Goblin what colour brick Lamby should pick up. Lamby will then go for a brick that is not that colour and Goblin will have to point Lamby in the direction of the right coloured brick.
Goblin now consistently recognises yellow and orange, and most of the time blue. He still doesn't recognise red or green but he knows the Makaton sign language for both colours. I use the signs as a clue when he is struggling to remember. Sometime Lamby does the sign (Red - touching his mouth and green - stroking his arm).
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I love how you're observing Goblin's responses and making learning fun by going with his interests! My kids enjoyed creating learning experiences with stuffed animals when they little, too. I hope you're having a fabulous 2012 so far! Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com