
Saturday, 1 October 2011

Needle felt

I have just discovered needle felting. I found out about it on The Magic Onions. It is a bit ridiculous that I had never heard of it because I discovered wet felting when I was 15 years old. But needle felting is so much easier. Seriously you can make something really cute in bed while watching TV in 10 minutes flat. Basically needle felting consist of stabbing wool with a needle to knit it together into a shape. It is incredible satisfying. 
I ordered a starter kit from the Fairy Folk shop on Etsy. You can buy extra felting wool from Hobby craft so you don't need to get it shipped from the USA. But the starter kit is worth the money -  Beautiful wools and you get two needles and a needle board (which is a big sponge).
I started with a couple of things from The Magic Onions' on line tutorials. 
A toadstool
And a Pumpkin
Then I branched out on my own. My third effort was a Peacock
And I couldn't resist trying to make some of the cute felt acorns that Fairy Folk sell. 

I also made a felt pebble. I think Fairy Folk use wet felting to make theirs but I tried it with needle felt. I put a little pebble in the middle to add some weight. It feels really nice. 
So there you go, my first five needle felting attempts and I'm pretty pleased with all of them. If you search needle felt on Etsy you can get some great ideas for other things to make. I think my next project might be a dragon. 

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